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Fire Causes and Risks

Wildfire hazards are about the physical factors like dry fuels, weather, or terrain that could spark a fire.
Risk considers how likely that fire is to impact people, homes, or infrastructure. Hazard is the “potential,” while risk is the “threat to us.”

The Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) is where homes and communities join wild areas like forests or grasslands, creating a zone where wildfire risks are higher.

Wildland Urban Interface Maps : https://www.usfa.fema.gov/wui/outreach/

Wildfire Education : www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Wildfire

Understanding Risk : https://wildfirerisk.org/understand-risk/

Smokey The Bear : smokeybear.com/en/about-wildland-fire

Defensible Space

Defensible space is a buffer you create around your home by clearing flammable plants and materials, helping slow wildfires and protect firefighters working nearby.

CalFire Defensible Space : www.fire.ca.gov/dspace/

How To Create Defensible Space : https://readyforwildfire.org/prepare-for-wildfire/defensible-space/

Living With Wildfire Defensible Space Guide : https://extension.unr.edu/publication.aspx?PubID=5522

Sustainable Defensible Space & Resilient Landscapes : https://pacifichorticulture.org/articles/resilient-landscape-design/

Home Hardening

Home hardening is about protecting your home from wildfires by using fire-resistant materials and smart designs. This includes things like ember-resistant vents, fireproof roofs, and clearing flammable items near your home to make it stronger against heat and flying embers.

Wildfire Prepared : https://wildfireprepared.org/

Ignition Resistant Homes : https://wildfirerisk.org/reduce-risk/ignition-resistant-homes/

Low Cost Home Hardening

California WUI Products:
WUI-approved products are building materials designed to resist fire in wildfire-prone areas, like ember-resistant vents or fire-rated roofs, keeping homes safer. The product list is available to download, or can be searched at the link below.

Search WUI Products by Type: https://calfire.govmotus.org/BMLSearch/Index


What to Do After a House Fire : https://www.frontlinewildfire.com/wildfire-news-and-resources/what-to-do-after-a-house-fire/

Returning Home After a Fire : Dealing with ash

California Resources : wildfirerecovery.caloes.ca.gov/

Recovery and Rebuilding : https://wildfirerisk.org/reduce-risk/recovery/

Post-Fire Recovery : https://www.nifc.gov/programs/post-fire-recovery

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