Grants and Awards

The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) awarded SCFSC $608,000 to construct a shaded fuel break along Bullskin Ridge, located near the community of Oak Run in Shasta County. The purpose of this project is to create a fuel break that would improve fire safety for the community of Oak Run and beyond, as well as protect mature timberlands and the Oak Run Creek Watershed. We appreciate SNC’s commitment to keeping or communities safe from wildfire and promoting healthy forests.
Learn more about SNC at:

united way logo

Shasta County Fire Safe Council has been awarded a generous grant from United Way of Northern California. The grant will allow the council to conduct small scale, community-oriented fuels reduction activities in communities across Shasta County. Thank you United Way!

To learn more visit:

Shasta County Fire Safe Council has been awarded a special grant from the California Fire Foundation for preventing, preparing and/or responding to major events, including wildfires and other disasters.

The Foundation has teamed up with funding partners across the state to help local fire departments, firefighter associations, fire safe councils and other community-based organizations through individual grants worth of up $15,000. Funding aids grantees in helping their communities address issues that threaten millions of Californians each year.

More information is available at

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