CWMP Project – Home Hardening and Defensible Space Contractors

The California Wildfire Mitigation Program (CWMP) was created as part of the State of California’s effort to strengthen community-wide resilience against wildfires. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) has partnered with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) to develop a state home hardening initiative to retrofit, harden, and create defensible space for homes at high risk to wildfires.

The SCFSC is creating a list of qualified vendors to harden homes against the risk of wildfire losses through ignition resistant retrofit and defensible space measures. The project will focus on retrofitting homes with fire-resistant materials and creating defensible space at privately owned residences in the Whitmore, Oak Run, and Lakehead project areas within Shasta County. Please join our list of contractors by  filling out the “contractor opportunities” form on this website.  This request is staying open until the project is completed  in 2026. All contractors will be expected to enter into a Master Services Agreement (“MSA”) with SCFSC, and  a Triparty Agreement between SCFSC, the homeowner,  and the selected contractor, the templates of which are available on the link below.

This program will comply with the Minimum Quality Standards (MQS) established by CALFIRE for Defensible Space and Home Hardening. Please click on the link to access the applicable MQS’s.

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